Message from the Mayor of Fossil

In my last message from the mayor, I would like to thank you for your support and encouragement during the last two years. It has been a tremendous honor for me to serve as your mayor.

While there is never enough time to accomplish everything, I am proud of the things that were done. I'd like to thank Chase Misner for supplying the materials, constructing, and helping to install the frame to hang the business signs. The digital message board is a wonderful way to keep our community informed of all we have to offer. The flowerpots and the trees on First Street add so much beauty to our community.

Finally, the gateway signs as you enter the city are a tribute to our past and the beauty of our area. None of this would have been possible without your help and support. We live in a community that is made wonderful by the people who live, work, and volunteer here. I am proud to be a part of this place we call home.


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