A Stitch in Time sewing club report

By Fiona Whatley, 4-H Student Reporter

When the meeting started, leader Donna Bates welcomed all of the members. Cameron Whatley led us in The Pledge of Allegiance and Anna Bates led us in the 4-H pledge. Kylee Anderson took roll call and each of us introduced ourselves and shared one thing any judge taught us during fair. Secretary Kylee Anderson read the minutes of last year’s last meeting. Donna Bates reminded everyone to enroll in 4-H. She explained the options for the Hands For Larger Service projects. We will decide on it at the next meeting in January. Field trip options were discussed and it will also be decided at the next meeting. On January 24th there is a 4-H Friday to help make Otter Pop Covers with Cloverbuds kids. Officers were then chosen. Here is the list of chosen officers:

President: Cate Stephens

Vice President: Kylee Anderson

Secretary: Jack Watkins

Reporter: Fiona Whatley

Photographer: Sydnee Herrera

Refreshments Chairman: Anna Bates

Cindy Osterlund explained the responsibilities of a Junior Leader and Cate Stephens explained the future events. Kylee Anderson moved to adjourn the meeting and Aaron Bates seconded the move. None opposed.


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