A message from the Mayor of Fossil

With the onset of Fall and cooler weather, there's hope we have reached the end of wildfire season. The community came together in impressive ways to help with everything from laundry for the firefighters to individuals offering their equipment and time to help keep our community safe. It would be impossible to thank everyone individually but please know how much you are appreciated.

We know how lucky we are to have such wonderful volunteers. With that in mind, the city will be hosting their annual Volunteer Appreciation dinner on Thursday, Oct. 24th at 5:30 at the Isobel Edwards Hall. Sally Potter will be catering so you don't want to miss it. Please come, have a meal, and know you are appreciated. Following the appreciation dinner, we will hold a community meeting to discuss the current ambulance crisis, discuss ways to work towards a solution, and to encourage EMT volunteers. We want to hear from you. Working together is the only way to correct our current situation.

The metal business signs, and the digital message board have arrived, and public works is in the process of getting them installed. With the wildfires and countless other commitments, they are very busy and ask for your patience.

The City of Fossil has been awarded a grant to rehabilitate our city park. Alex Logan and Jen Homer have worked tirelessly to complete the grant process and just learned of their success. More information regarding the park project will be forthcoming.

Just a reminder, City Council meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Jeanne Burch Building at 7:00. Please get involved, attend council meetings, and let your voices be heard.


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