Wingin' It 4-H poultry club meets

By Cora Munkers, 4-H Student Reporter

The Wingin’ It Poultry 4-H Club met June 10, 2024 at 5:30 at the Gilliam County Fairgrounds.

The 4-H Pledge was led by Adam Gibson and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sydnee Herrara.

Leader Aubrey Gibson said that the 4-H Fair Books are available. Fair weigh in for poultry will be August 28th, Wednesday afternoon. The barns open at 5:30 AM on Thursday, the 29th and all pens need to be cleaned by 7:00 AM.

We will have a community service project, Friday, July 26th. We will be painting the exhibitor tables that we use at fair.

Then we split up into two groups to practice chicken showmanship and poultry trivia.

The next meeting will be held July 8, 2024.

I will leave you with a fowl piece of trivia: Chickens are actually quite smart and can understand basic mathematical ideas. Research has even shown that baby chicks can master skills that take human babies months to years to master. So not only is my border collie smarter than your honor student, but my baby chick is smarter than your toddler.


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