DAYS OF YORE: June 27, 2024

Days of Yore for June 27, 2024

10 years ago –

A unique tour group will visit the Painted Hills when six monks of the Gaden Shartse Dokhang Monastery base a two-week portion of their U.S. tour in central Oregon. With the blessing of His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, the group is on a year-long tour in the U.S. to offer cultural and chant performances along with their sand mandala craft.

Wheeler County Judge Chris Perry, in partnership with Wheeler Co. Development Corporation, hosted members from the Oregon Health & Science University as they toured the area last Friday. The purpose of the visit was to develop the connection between Wheeler Co. and OHSU, and discuss how to improve the economy of rural Oregon by creating jobs through telecommuting.

The Shaniko community will host its eighth annual Shaniko Wool Gathering, Pioneer & Artisan Faire July 12-13. This event celebrates the fiber industry of today, and Shaniko’s place as ‘Wool Capital of the World’ during the early 1900’s.

25 years ago –

Two local ladies of note were feted upon their retirement when a reception at the Round-Up honored Delene Durfey and Rita Rattray. Delene has worked diligently for fourteen years to make life easier for the senior residents of Gilliam County. She served her constituencies well. Rita retired after a 42-year career in the field of education. Teacher, administrator, curriculum director, consultant and no doubt several ‘hats’ in between, she has served steadfastly, and her no-nonsense expertise will be missed.

Wild and wooly were the Summer Night Fights at Fossil last Saturday. Mixed martial arts competitors came from as far away as Seattle to compete in the ring, and the fierce sport added excitement to the boxing matches already on the slate. The event drew a large and spirited crowd, which included some of the firefighters bivouacked at Fossil while fighting the Waterman Complex fires. The event is sponsored by the Wheeler County Fair Board and is a fund-raising activity for the fair which is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.

50 years ago –

A once-in-a-lifetime thrill was Bob Alford’s when he made a hole-in-one on the third hole of the Condon course, which is 155 yards long. Alford, who has only been golfing for five years, used an 8 iron for the difficult feat. The first hole-in-one was made in July, 1969, by LeRoy Parks, who was stationed at the Air Base.

“…Just ask the folks in Fossil…” states a new First National Bank of Oregon television commercial that will premier next week. The 60-second TV spot features a spectacular floating view over hills and craggy cliffs to reveal the center of Fossil. Why was Fossil chosen? “Well, it had a lot of things going for it,” explained Tom Carter, First National’s vice president. “Our advertising agency explored about a dozen communities looking for the one with the right setting. A lot of Oregonians think only in terms of snow-capped mountains and tall fir trees when they think of our state. So, our agency people decided on featuring the rugged and equally beautiful terrain east of the Cascades.”

The U.S. Postal Service has called for bids for a new main post office in Spray, Postmaster B.B. Hamilton announced. The present post office was first occupied in 1955.

75 years ago –

Arising early Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weiss and Mr. and Mrs. G.B. Urlie spent a successful day fishing on Rock Creek. Wading hither and yon without thought of danger, they gathered that afternoon for a snack. Climbing over the bank from the creek to the place where they had just eaten, Ernie came fact to face with a rattler. Before the surprised snake could recover, it had been killed by well-aimed rocks. Says Ernie, “I’ve always wanted to kill a snake, but not quite like that.”

In the past week Condon has had three plane wrecks, from which the occupants have escaped with minor scratches and bruises. Wednesday evening a pilot for the Farmers Air Service, which was spraying in this territory, was returning from Coos Bay with the manager’s private plane and upon landing a wheel collapsed and flopped the plane onto its back. The pilot escaped injury, but the plane a total loss. The same evening, Hank Huxel of Arlington, accompanied by his student flyer, Bob Miller of Condon, came into Condon for a landing. The brakes jammed and the plane went into the rock draw doing quite a bit of damage to the wings and spars. Finally, the plane owned jointly by Dick Gosney, Mickie Cooney and Ian Jamieson broke a wheel and left pilot Dick shaken, but unharmed. The plane will be back in operation as soon as a new wheel is installed.

100 years ago –

It is reported that the Gilliam County Fair management will offer a premium for the Condon man who turns his good ear to praise and his deaf ear to scandal. Make your entries now.

George W. Parman won a sport model Chevrolet car recently in a raffle at Billings, Montana, through the “investment” of 4 bits on a chance on the car. Tiring of the importunities of the raffle ticket seller, Parman bought a 50-cent chance to “get rid of him”. A few days later, a copy of the Billings Gazette published the name of George W. Parman as the winner of the Chevrolet – a $750 model.

From Condon Times 1909 –

A lady dog took up her lodging in our wood shed and had eleven pups. Mrs. Fitzmaurice is sitting up nights with the young family.

It is not generally known that Condon had the distinction for the past week of having the Governor of Oregon within her limits. During the absence from the state of Governor Benson, Senator Jay Bowerman, by virtue of his office as President of the Senate, became acting Governor of Oregon. The time is not far distant when Jay Bowerman will be elected Governor of Oregon by a direct vote of the people.

The Alville Grange is to hold its regular session today when a number of new candidates are to be initiated into the thrilling mysteries of husbandry. Alville has one of the most interesting and popular granges in this section of Oregon. Their members are intelligent and thrifty and their dinners would do credit to some of the best hotels in Boston.


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