Sherman FFA travels to Oklahoma

Four students from the Sherman County FFA Chapter traveled to El Reno, Okla., on April 29 through May 3 for the National Land and Range Judging Contest.

Earlier this year, the chapter placed 5th at the Oregon FFA State Soils Evaluation contest, which qualified the team to go to the national contest. The students on the team were Josiah Carlson, Violet Woods, T'Sharra Lanthorn and Sawyer Baker, and coached by FFA advisor Nels Swenson.

The first two days in Oklahoma were spent at a practice site where there were six practice soil pits available to calibrate the team's skills to soil classifications in Oklahoma.

Many hours were spent evaluating the soil in the practice pits, studying the contest rules and soil book to learn and review the land classifications, and management recommendations for different soil types.

The official contest took place May 2. Approximately 800 students from FFA and 4-H clubs across the nation were present to compete in the three different contests offered at the event.

After checking in on the contest day, the contest site was announced and all teams convoyed out to the location to begin the contest. The team judged four contest pits total. Later that night they held an awards banquet to recognize top individuals as well as the top teams. The Sherman team placed 80th out of the 99 FFA teams.

"While the team didn't place as highly as hoped for, the experience was very beneficial and was an exceptional learning experience for all four students on the team," Swenson said.

In addition to the contest, the team had the opportunity to tour a few museums and see local sights, including the Oklahoma National Memorial, Fort Reno museum, as well as the Cowboy History and Hall of Fame Museum.

This trip was made possible through funding from the Sherman County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Sherman County Education Foundation.

"We would like to thank them for helping send this team to the contest," Swenson said.

The chapter wrapped up the school year with electing next year's Chapter Officer team and Junior Officer team.

For the 2024-25 school year, the team that will lead the chapter are Codie-Lee Haner as president, Rhyder Smith as vice-president, Emma Sampson as secretary, Gage Simpson as treasurer, T'Sharra Lanthorn as reporter and Addison Smith as sentinel. The Junior team members, who will be shadowing and learning the responsibilities of their respective positions, include Arwen Dorzab as junior president, Mady Kemp as junior vice-president, Allison Nerdin as junior secretary, Stephen Orendorff as junior treasurer, Payton Burnett as junior reporter and Mark Susi as junior sentinel.

"This was the first team from Sherman County in years, if not ever, to compete at the national level. I am super proud of this group, and our chapter this year for all their successes," Swenson said. "This year the chapter had a highly involved freshman class, and the upcoming middle school classes are showing a lot of excitement and promise, too. I'm excited with what the next years at Sherman County FFA will bring."


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