Sherman Extension wins state health award

MORO, OR - Oregon State University Sherman County Extension was recently honored with a state health award to at the OSU Spring Family Community Health Conference in Bend, Oregon. Sherman Extension faculty member Cindy Brown received the "Innovation in Programming" award which recognizes innovation and accomplishment in the design and implementation of a family/community health program in Extension.

Brown is a 4-H Youth Development and SNAP-Ed Program Coordinator for Sherman Extension, historically serving the Sherman County School with youth nutrition and health educational programming. Due to changes in funding and nutrition program participation, in mid-2022, the school no longer qualified for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) education for low-income audiences.

Pivoting to the older adult audience, Sherman Extension partnered with the Sherman County Senior and Community Center to begin offering health and nutrition educational courses geared to folks 65+ in the county. A variety of classes launched in the fall of 2022, and have continued through the years.

These classes range in topics from health, nutrition and physical activity to gardening classes for beginner, older and/or low-income audiences. Brown's classes have been well-received by community members in multiple locations in the county and help the Sherman County Senior and Community Center continue offering educational activities.


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