To the Editor,

At a local social gathering place in town, it was once remarked that the City of Condon was a lot easier to manage from the Texaco gas station than it was from City Hall. We are about to find out that Gilliam County is a lot more complicated to administer from the Courthouse in Condon than it is from the pizza parlor in Arlington.

I’ve noticed over the years that there are generally two types of individuals who seek election to the Gilliam County Court. There are those who are willing to put in the hours necessary to better serve Gilliam County residents, and those who are there for the coffee and donuts.

For the past three and a half years, Commissioner Pat Shannon has put in the hard work necessary to improve Courthouse management, as well as the working relationships between the County Court and other Gilliam County governing bodies. He has done this by doing a lot more than just attending the bi-weekly County Court meetings his position requires. Without additional compensation, Pat has also taken the initiative to attend the meetings or respond to the needs of at least 17 boards or organizations, state and local, whose work directly impacts Gilliam County residents.

As Commissioner, Pat has received a part-time stipend to compensate him for his time on the Court. A conservative estimate of the total hours he invests in representing Gilliam County residents puts his commitment at somewhere between 4 and 6 times what he is actually being paid for, which puts his compensation at less than minimum wage.

Pat has clearly demonstrated a commitment to public service and will receive my vote for his hard work on behalf of Gilliam County residents. Does his opponent Grant Wilkins understand that the job will require him to do more than just show up for the coffee and donuts?

Jordan Maley

Condon, Oregon


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