Letter to the Editor: Eudora Olsen

Letter to the Editor:

As was pointed out in the March 22nd Issue of this newspaper, both Judge Farrar Campbell and Commissioner Shannon could have either resigned or contested the findings of the recall campaign or take the recall to a special election vote. They both chose to take it to a special election vote so I find it in poor taste for all the threats of what a recall would do to this county if they are both recalled. Think about that. It was all un-necessary. They both could have resigned. Judge Farrar is leaving anyway, and Mr. Shannon could have taken his chances in a re-election like he is already doing.

Now, think about this: Mr. Shannon's decision to view the recall signatures and disclose this information in a public forum was inappropriate and intimidating. As a public figure in a small county, Mr. Shannon should have been mindful of the impact his actions would have on others and refrained from viewing the signatures. His decision will haunt him and mostly likely already has.

I initially voted for Mr. Shannon, but I've learned from that mistake. Our county court has been plagued by turbulence and disarray under his commission, and the evidence is clear

Let's bring Grant Wilkins over the finish line and give him a seat at the table to serve as County Commissioner. This truly is a vote for the people, by 'we the people'.

Eudora Olsen

Olex, Oregon


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