This court is threatening to shut down this County due to their inability to prepare a budget, for which there is plenty of time and assistance to finalize. Let's look at what they have done.

At the Mar 6 meeting, they approved $1.12 Million for the Port of Arlington, $568,000 for Pioneer CDC for a duplex, and zero to Honker's Nest Child Care in Arlington, an issue Liz claims to hold near and dear to her heart.

At the April 10 court meeting, they approved $1.1 million for Kelley Nonprofit Consulting, $1.225 million to Pioneer CDC, and $1.7 million to Condon Early Learning. Of the $1.7 million for Condon Early Learning, the court made sure to have $1 million available immediately, ahead of the threatened County shutdown. Again, Honkers Nest of Arlington received zero consideration for any funding.

During the Mar 6 Court meeting, after providing 35 pages of documentation, Honkers Nest of Arlington requested $175,000 for remodeling, playground equipment, and furniture. FYI, well below $1.7 million. This appeal was reduced to $25, 000 by Judge Elizabeth Farrar Campbell and was taken out of Honker's Nest Operational Support Grant, their operations funds.

This Court has a serious problem with equity as well as crucial obligations, such as the budget.

— Rodney H. McGuire, Olex


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