To the Editor:

Earlier this month, I reached out to staff at Governor Tina Kotek’s office with questions on the vacancy appointment process. On April 10th, I received a phone call from Richard Lane, the General Counsel, and he explained the process. It consists of a 21 day advertisement period, followed by review of the applicants that applied, scheduling and conducting of interviews and finally an Oregon State Police criminal history background check on the successful candidate. Once all of that is completed, the committee’s recommendation goes to the Governor’s desk for approval. She could accept or reject the recommendation. He stated that there is currently no list of former judges or any other interested individuals for consideration. This process would take roughly 6 to 8 weeks, baring no setbacks or delays.

Rumors that County Government can continue to operate without a quorum of the governing body, which for Gilliam County is 2 members, are simply not true either. I have contacted an attorney at CIS PreLoss and she confirmed everything I previously stated in an earlier letter to the editor regarding county operations if there isn’t a quorum of the court. There is a very real possibility that a shutdown with employees being furloughed and county services being halted may become a reality. If left as the only member of the County Court, I won’t be able to operate business as usual and potentially be held financially responsible for any obligations made until other court members could be appointed. Especially not when legal counsel has advised me otherwise.

Before casting your vote on the recalls, please consider the impact this may have to Gilliam County as a whole - employees, citizens, services, and partner agencies dependent on county funding.

— Leah Watkins

Condon, OR


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