LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Alan and Shannon Coppock

To The Editor:

No to Recalls.

We are voting no on the recall election for Judge Elizabeth Farrar and Commissioner Pat Shannon. The recall seems to be creating an unhealthy divide in our county. As a small county, we need to work together to prosper.

Recalling our elected officials could cause county business to grind to a halt. Some have said those saying this are using it as a scare tactic. Assuming not all projects come to an end if the judge and commissioner are recalled, there are decisions to be made and a new budget to be adopted and one commissioner alone cannot do these things.

As for the talk about how to deal with a budget, there are steps required by law that must be followed before a budget can be adopted. There are requirements for when and how to publish both the budget committee meeting notice and the budget hearing notice. The time required to meet publication requirements and conduct both meetings make it impossible to adopt a budget prior to the recall election. A lone commissioner cannot adopt a budget as a quorum is required to conduct business. The ability to conduct government business if two county court members are recalled does not seem to have been considered before starting the recall process.

We are voting no on the recall election for both Judge Farrar and Commissioner Pat Shannon.

— Alan and Shannon Coppock, Condon


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