While driving to Salem this afternoon to follow up on the Legislative Short Session results and start conversations for the 2025 Legislative Long Session, I couldn’t help but think about the events that have taken place regarding the County Court during the past several months and the conversations and actions that have happened since last week’s County Court meeting.

There seems to be a continuing accusation that I have voted on and been part of approving an illegal Order. I felt a strong urge to respond by stating to the public that as I have said several times, I do not believe that Order #2023-01 was an illegal order and I do believe it would stand up against any legal challenges. My position last week, which involved rescinding the Order, was because I do not feel it is in the best interest of Gilliam County to go the through the expense and time a legal challenge will take and that as I have also stated, believe that a more public process for this conversation should take place culminating with a vote of the people.

That being said, I am going to continue to stay away from the local negative hot spots and concentrate on the positive path our County has been on during the past couple of years. We currently have at least 6 housing projects we are working on, improvements to Day Care/Early Learning, Broadband on the horizon and some important legislation for the future. Potential economic development projects are knocking on our doorstep and a concentrated focus will be critical as we move into the future. I am excited about where we are headed and looking forward to continuing as your County Commissioner leading the charge into the next several years. Thanks for all your support.

Pat Shannon, Arlington


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