Commissioner Pat Shannon is now on Facebook and going to the homes of Gilliam County residents telling them he supports our voters’ right to have a vote on structural change to County Court and our County government. This, after he spent days lobbying the Eastern Oregon County Caucus members to support our County Court's illegal Order 2023-01.
This illegal Order gave our County Judge the means to circumvent her duties as spelled out by law in Article VII Section 8 lines C and D of the Oregon Constitution.
There is a legal avenue that allows regular citizens the right to report the dereliction of duty by an elected judge.
Article VII Section 6 of says they may be tried for the following reasons:
1. Incompetency
2. Corruption
3. Malfeasance
4. Delinquency in office
Section 8 line C reads as follows: Willful or persistent failure to perform judicial duties
Section 8 line D reads: Generally incompetent performance of judicial duties.
If these charges are true, as we allege they are, with our County Court Judge, we have a cure. It is to present them to the Commission on Judicial Fitness and Disability: They take the cases of merit to the Oregon Supreme Court and if the Court finds the charges to be true and they are found guilty the judgement may be:
1. Dismissal from office
2. Further punishment as prescribed by law
All cases brought before the Supreme Court through this process are tried in the same manner as criminal cases. Judge Elizabeth Farrar Campbell’s perfidious behavior as Gilliam County Court Judge has been submitted.
— Lenn Ball, Arlington
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