Hello, big game hunters:
I'm the chairman of the Veteran's Hide Committee and of the Veterans Service Committee for the Condon Elks Lodge #1869. I know deer season was a bit slow for most of you as I only received 65 hides. 15 years ago we would receive 100s.
This year we did receive 70 elk hides which were in exceptional condition. Very few with the hair and hide burned off by dragging them behind an ATV. Only had trouble with one elk hide from the Fossil unit. It was split down the back and essentially worth very little. This seems to have happened almost yearly over the past 19 years.
If you are the one doing this, please stop. If you know who it is, please politely ask them to stop. I fail to see the advantage but witness the results.
Better luck next year and keep them coming.
—Tom Cutsforth
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